Run the following command to automatically install ERWALL Server on your Debian based distributions.
curl -sLO && sudo apt install ./erwall-server.deb
The configurations generated by ERWALL runs on your own server. ERWALL directly communicates with your servers to keep the configurations up to date. Firstly, you should download the Server application from here. After you complete installation of both ERWALL Server and Client applications, they start to communicate. Every action you perform on the ERWALL panel will be transformed into the related setting and operated on your servers.
Download ERWALL Server
Create your appsettings.json file to configure you ERWALL Server application
Example appsettings.json file:
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Error",
"Microsoft": "Error",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Error"
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"ConnectionStrings": { # MySQL connection string
"DefaultConnection": "server=<DATABASEHOST>;database=<DATABASE_NAME>;user=<DATABASE_USER>;password=<PASSWORD>;"
"JwtConfiguration": {
"Cookie": "X-Access-Token",
"ValidAudience": "http://localhost:4200",
"ValidIssuer": "http://localhost:61955",
"Secret": "7lgTd6fhw9YnsGaILfyw7YckhTfuds7wEQqmWqOvVjH0R", # generate your own secret
"SessionDurationInMinutes": 60 # session duration for users
"Service": { # do not change this part
"Mode": "Internal",
"Internal": {
"Cache": true,
"CacheDurationInSeconds": 30
Now, you can create database and start to run you ERWALL Server application. Following commands show how you can create a database and super user before you start.
$ ./ErwallServer database drop
Database is deleted successfully.
$ ./ErwallServer database migrate
All migrations are applied.
$ ./ErwallServer database createsuperuser
Username: superuser
Password: *********
Password (again): *********
$ ./ErwallServer runserver
If you want to use the ERWALL Server as a service, you can use following configurations.
Example Linux Service File for ERWALL Server Application:
Description=Erwall Manager Service
ExecStart=/home/erwall/Server/ErwallServer runserver
# Restart service after 10 seconds if service crashes:
# you may need admin privileges for these commands
systemctl enable /path/to/service_file # enables linux service
systemctl disable erwall-service # disables linux service
service erwall-server start
service erwall-server status
service erwall-server stop
service erwall-server restart
journalctl -u erwall-service --no-pager -n 100 # displays last 100 logs